Where in the world have we made a difference in recent years?
Vellore, India – Christian Medical College, providing scholarships to train practical nurses for service in their home villages. We have been partners for more than 25 years in creating a vital medical centre.
Arad, Romania – Build 4 Romania – Where IPC helped create the first-of-its-kind centre for special-needs adults. From a starting point of a workshop creating greeting cards to the dedication of a purpose-built training centre 5 years later IPC has made this desperately needed service possible.
Eastern Europe – Christmas in a Shoebox – We are now in our 6th year of providing a Christmas gift for high-need children.
Brussels – Nativitas – Our annual food and fund drive provides sufficient support to sustain this vital soup-kitchen/family food centre for more than a month every year.
Brussels – Protestant Social Centre – Clothing and Coats, Children’s School Supplies project. IPC continues to support a program we helped start 30+ years ago.
Tanzania – The Tuamoyo (Mama Mdogo) Project: provided enough support to make one full year of training classes possible, helping to eliminate child abandonment and helping keep the children out of the streets.
Afghanistan – Médecins sans Frontières: collected enough to pay for our goal of medical texts and references for the MSF-established local clinics in the hills of Afghanistan.
Brussels – Serve The City – Our IPC youth joined several church members in putting God’s word into practice by serving those in need here in Brussels. As well, additional funding was collected to assist with the work of STC Brussels!
These are just some of the ways we have been delighted to help, and hope to continue to help, needy people and organizations throughout the world.