What’s new at IPC
September 2024
This Sunday is our annual Welcome Back Sunday! As we return from our various summer vacations, come to worship and stay afterwards for a potluck lunch. The Choir will be back (rehearsal is at 10:15 Sunday morning), and we’ll celebrate Holy Communion. All are welcome!
Join us at 11:15 this Sunday, at Avenue des Héros 40, 1160 Auderghem.
Save the Date!
6 September: Men of the Church meet at La Terrasse, 18:00.
7. September: EPUB District meets at IPC, 9:30 a.m.
8 September: Welcome Back potluck luncheon, after worship.
14 September: Women of the Church meet at Linda Tylke’s, 10:30 a.m.
20 September: Men of the Church meet at La Terrasse, 18:00.
21 September: Taizé vespers service, 17:00.
22 September: Car-free Sunday, no Sunday morning worship service.
28 September: Men of the Church meet for Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. at Fox.
29 September: Church Council meets by Zoom, 20:00.
6 October: World Communion Sunday.
20 October: Harvest Festival, after worship.
26 October: Men of the Church meet for Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. at Fox.
27 October: Reformation Day service, followed by a potluck luncheon, 11:15.
24 November: Thanksgiving luncheon, after worship.
1 December: Hanging of the Greens service, 11:15.
15 December: Advent Lessons and Carols, 16:00.
24 December: Christmas Eve candlelight worship service, 17:00.
Any questions?
Our Life at IPC
We have a full program of Choir, Worship, and Fellowship every Sunday, with special events held throughout the year. There are also a variety of educational and fellowship events every week.
Children’s Sunday School is available as needed — children and their teacher leave for Sunday School immediately following the Anthem.
Women of the Church meetings are held monthly on a Saturday morning. Watch the website or the Weekend Watch email for details!
Men of the Church meet twice a month on Fridays for drinks and snacks, and meet one Saturday a month for breakfast.
We celebrated our 100th anniversary all last year. Our congregation began with a series of meetings in 1922, ending in the laying of a cornerstone on November 9, 1923, at a church on the Champs de Mars in downtown Brussels. We are excited to begin our second century!
Mission of the Month September 2024
The Beautiful Gate Care Centre
The Beautiful Gate Care Centre, located in Maseru, Lesotho, first opened its doors in 2001, to care for abandoned and HIV/AIDS affected children. It reaches out to orphaned, abandoned, and neglected children, ages newborn to 5 years old, to give them the care, comfort and love they need and deserve.
In a country afflicted by overwhelming poverty and extreme disease, children are often treated with no more respect or worth than a discarded candy wrapper. Children have been found in a trash dumpster, a toilet pit, alone on the streets, and in a forest. BGL seeks to give them the opportunity to be more than just a statistic and simply be kids. It does not matter whether they are orphaned or abandoned, they are still children, and their first and foremost identity is as a precious child made in the image of a loving Heavenly Father.
The ultimate goal is to unite these children with forever families that will love them as their own. Until that is accomplished, Beautiful Gate Lesotho is their family, and the staff and volunteers love these children as their own. They are given opportunities to go to school, play with friends and help around the houses, just like any other child. They have the same physical and emotional needs that all children do.
In the past, Andrew Pimm, (Jane McBride’s husband), visited the centre every autumn, along with Jenny Dobson, who is our contact person residing in the U.K. Together they travelled to Lesotho to spend time with the children, caring for them and bringing much needed medical supplies and cash donations to buy essential items purchased locally. Sadly, Andrew passed away two years ago. However, Jenny continues to work with this project and will return to Lesotho this fall with Andrew’s daughter Lucy. Your donations will enable them to purchase medicine to treat fever, coughs, and ringworm as well as disinfectant and bandages for infections, and also much needed food items on site. Beautiful Gate meant a lot to Andrew, so it seems only fitting that we continue to support this project in his memory.
Please consider making a financial donation. Thank you so much for your generosity!
Read more at https://ipcbrussels.org/mission-of-the-month/