New to IPC?
At IPC, PEOPLE our are ministry
Moving to a new home in a new city in a new country can be a daunting experience. Many of us have had that experience, and one of the first things we discover is that we miss our “roots.” For others of us, Belgium is home … it’s a place where we have put down our “roots.” For still others, we’re not sure what the future holds, but we know that, wherever we are, we need to stay “rooted.” At IPC, we’re “rooted” in Jesus Christ, and connected to one another as a family. The best way to get to know the “family” is to see us in work and in play. So come on, join us in our sharing time.
Get to know us! We provide fellowship opportunities to meet the unique needs of our ever-changing church community. Start the school year off at our “Welcome Back” picnic. Stay for coffee after worship each Sunday, share our annual Harvest Festival and Thanksgiving dinner. Begin your Christmas season with our Advent Events. Enjoy our Palm Sunday Brunch and Hale and Farewell Cookout before the summer break.
Come sing with us in the choir. Get involved with our lively women’s group meeting for book study, social outings and luncheons with guest speakers. Check out the variety of activities for children and young people, including Sunday School, Bible study, social get-togethers and mission work opportunities.
We are a founding member of the Association of International Churches in Europe and the Middle East (AICEME) and as such belong to the wider body of international churches. We are also a founding member of the United Protestant Church of Belgium (EPUB), and we are continually open to relationships with other International and Multi-denominational congregations.
Here is a place where Christ is our Root! Here is a place where you are always Welcome!
At IPC, we’re “rooted” in Jesus Christ, and connected to one another as a family. The best way to get to know the “family” is to see us in work and in play. So come on, join us in our sharing time.