Lina’s Project

This month’s mission is Lina’s Project, named after my late daughter who passed away several years ago. Since she loved children, we decided that sponsoring summer activities for under-privileged children would be a good project in her memory. The goal was to celebrate her life, and what better way than to try to bring joy and happiness to others.

The project began in 2017, with the help of her former employer, AFME, and Nativitas, a non-profit organization that agreed to put the plan into action. This is the 5th year that IPC has adopted it as a mission.

Choosing from the many families that come to Nativitas for help, the social worker selects those who have the lowest incomes. Most of them live in the Marolles, a very poor area of Brussels. It is a melting pot of nationalities and cultures, so we try to make our project as multi-cultural as possible. We also make sure that Belgian children are included. The parents receive information about local summer activities organized in the area during the day, but also possibilities for over-night camps in the Ardennes, up at the Belgian coast or even in France. They are encouraged to interact with their children and to choose activities they would enjoy.

These activities are organized by local non-profit organizations, as well as the commune, the “mutuelle,” and scout organizations. Day camp activities often include one-day trips outside of Brussels. We encourage the children to choose activities that they would normally not have the opportunity to try such as: circus camp, cooking, dance, theatre, robotics, science and nature, photography, and horseback riding to mention a few.

Without financial help, these children would not be able to participate in any of these activities. They would be spending the summer at home, often in a very small living space, glued to the TV or playing video games on someone’s phone. Thanks to Lina’s project, these children can discover new horizons. It opens up their world and creates great memories. What a wonderful way to spread God’s light!

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Thank you for your generosity!


Any questions? Contact Nancy Evans 0475/491178 or by mail

On behalf of the IPC Missions Team, thanks for helping us be a blessing in the world!

Transfers can be made to the Fortis account: IBAN: BE15 2100 5777 1030